Unleashing the Power of Kanban Cards in the Dynamic Systems Development Method Process

Maximizing Business Benefits with Dynamic Systems Development Method's Time Boxed Approach to Custom Software Development

Kanban cards are a visual representation of an item of work, and they are an essential component in the Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) process, a popular Agile methodology for custom software development.

The use of these visual cards on a Kanban board helps visually depict work at various stages of software creation, for example, what stage a particular feature is at.

A Kanban board also help stakeholder quickly see what is on time or running late in the project!

A card can represent a task to be completed and, in many cases, it also includes requirements for the task, an estimated time for completion of the task, and a history of activity.

The process of moving cards on a board encourages clients to engage and participate in the development process.

As the cards move through the Kanban board, generally speaking, the focus tends to lean towards the cards closest to completion to ensure the whole project is completed and delivered correctly.

The process restarts with a new mini “time box” from the initial “time box” and new cards are then placed on the Kanban board.